Emoji In a Blog Post 📝 Title. Yes ✅ or No ❌ ❓

Dennis Shiao
4 min readOct 19, 2018


With the rise of emojis, I fear for the conventional alphabet. That being said, I’m an avid emoji user. I use them in emails, texts and social posts. I’ve also incorporated them into blog posts and articles.

But what about the in the post title?

Recently, I asked the following on Twitter, “Emoji in a blog post title. Yes or no?”

My thoughts:


  • Emoji(s) could draw attention
  • We use them in emails, social posts and texts, so why not in post or article titles?


  • What would the search engines think?
  • Could this compromise quality, integrity or perception?
  • Could this detract attention, rather than drawing it?

Twitter Weighs In: Emojis in Blog Posts?

The Twitter community weighed in.

Just Say No

First to reply was good friend Clint Patterson. Clint’s take is that no one searches via emojis, so using them doesn’t help with post discovery.

“My 2 cents → not to communicate anything meaningful… nobody searches with emojis (yet)”

Other users weighed in to vote “no.”

“I would vote no, because emojis are not always clear. Clarity is 👸🏻”

“Distract more than detract I think. People unfamiliar with the emoji used, maybe screen readers won’t read it, maybe too cute for subject matter. What would the emoji add to the sotry?”

“If you are feeling risky add it to a subject line for the blog email newsletter and definitely use it in your blog social promotion! 👍🏼 I’d advise not in a blog headline though.”

“Depends on your audience, too right? If your core audience is 👧🏼 then emojis might be 🔥”

Advocating Emoji Use

Goldie Chan makes a good point:

“There’s definitely an etiquette with emoji use and different industries have different “rules” regardless of age 🧐”

For String Nguyen, an emoji helps define her identity and personal brand:

“I use 🍗 as part of my brand visual — alas it works well for my personal brand.”

Strong endorsement here from Nik Kalyani:

“👉🏽 Absolutely, yes 💯

If an emoji is relevant to the post, then I’d lead the headline with it. Why? It gets the reader’s ⚡️attention⚡️ since our 🧠 process 🖼️ so much faster than text.”

Try It, You Might Like It

One step ahead of you, Pam Neely 😉

“Been wanting to test that.”

This post qualifies per Gill Andrews’ advice:

“No, unless your blog post is about emojis :)”

And finally, Content Marketing Place weighed in:

“Depends on the emoji! Try it.”

Done, thank you! ✍️✅

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Dennis Shiao
Dennis Shiao

Written by Dennis Shiao

Founder of marketing agency Attention Retention. Subscribe to my “Content Corner” newsletter: http://bit.ly/content-corner

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